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St Edmund's was last inspected in July 2018 and was found to be 'Good' overall. Here is a link to the most recent Ofsted report.

Key Findings that we were really proud of:

  • Leaders, governors and trustees have been successful in improving the quality of teaching and learning across the school. Teaching is good because leaders have made clear their expectations and provided support to enable teachers to teach well.
  • The standards achieved by pupils currently in Year 6 in reading, writing and mathematics are high. Almost every pupil achieved or exceeded the standard expected for their age.
  • Governors and trustees provide a good balance of support and challenge for leaders. They are realistic in their view of the school but, together with leaders, are ambitious for its further development.
  • Leaders have been successful in developing partnerships with parents and carers. Parental feedback provided during the inspection was almost entirely positive and parents have confidence in the school.
  • Leaders provide good opportunities for pupils to develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding. As a result, pupils develop into caring, thoughtful and well rounded individuals by the time they leave the school.
  • Pupils conduct themselves well in lessons and at playtimes. They respect their teachers and enjoy coming to school. Consequently, the vast majority of pupils attend well.
  • Children get off to a good start in early years. Adults ensure that they know children’s needs right from the start by visiting pre-schools and talking with parents. Consequently, parents say that their children settle quickly.